Community Activities
and Initiatives
Our organization was created with the goal of improving conditions in the Route 9 corridor and for assisting with community first development. We have engaged in community clean ups in neighborhoods up and down the corridor, revealing and clearing pathways that interconnect our community. We have begun the development of community businesses such as a Maintenance Cooperative and PLCC Youth (Power Washing, Lawn Care, Carpentry, and Cleaning Services) that will provide an affordable resource for necessary repair and maintenance work. As part of the maintenance Cooperative, we have developed the Park Pilot Project (PPP) with New Castle County for the Maintenance Cooperative to take over maintenance and horticulture work in county parks within the Route 9 Corridor.
We've worked hard to identify key partners to help develop our initiatives, and two such partners are the Bezos Earth Fund and Healthy Community Delaware. The Route 9 Corridor was chosen to be one of the first communities to receive investments from the Bezos Earth Fund’s Greening America’s Cities Initiative which is a $400m initiative to invest into communities that have been disproportionately impacted by environmental issues.
In addition to these initiatives, we have regularly held community events to bring our communities together such as comedy festivals, chili cookouts, movie nights, and more.